Monday, January 9, 2012

Eikoku Kikozu Goyoutashi

1) Eikoku Kizoku Goyoutashi
While working at her shop, Chiyoko Shimakura was approached by a young foreign male asking for a date. Though, at the same time, there have been a lot of incidents regarding a young foreign man conning women for their money in the neighborhood. Is he the one that has been conning others? Or is he really her Prince Charming?

2) A Thousand And One Nights
An encounter with a stranger ends up with a young girl becoming a temporary secretary.

3) Mitsuboshi School Days
In order to be with the one she loves, a girl enters Chefs School.

4) Love Bite
About a girl who didn't know what to do with her feelings, thus leading the boy to believing that she hated him.

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