Monday, January 9, 2012

Koiiro Omoi

Story 1

Nerdy class rep with no friends, weird new boy who transfers. No one in the class wants to be nice to him except the class rep and they become friends. Then the boy gets cleaned up by his grandma and is very handsome. The whole class wants to befriend him so class rep feels left out. And is very sad because she loves him. But he thinks she's very special to him too and wants her by his side.

Too long and cliche and "sweet" for my taste but it wasn't a bad story because the boy and girl were cute.

Story 2

Girl is the only one in her group of friends without a bf. This guy in her class laughs at her. He always picks fights with her. She figures that he likes her and is really shocked. He is really embarrassed when she figures it out but later steals a kiss. However, she says she hates him the most to her friends later and he overhears. He passes her in the hallway some other time and he ignores her. It really hurts her so she grabs him and cries that he's messed her all up and that he has to be responsible for it. He hugs her and says that she should go out for him. And then he evilly smile because he has "won" their little feud.

This story was GREEEAT!!! :D SOOO FUNNY! :)

Story 3

This boy waits at a bus stop for a bus he doesn't need to take in order to look at a girl who takes that bus. He's liked her ever since she gave him some cough candy one time. They don't talk though. However, one day he defends her from his friends who were flirting and bothering her and her friends. He's a little embarrassed and don't wait a the bus stop but she goes down the road to follow him and they finally talk.

It's was okay :P

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