Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kono Koi Wo Wasurenai

"I won't forget this love"

Story 1
"Peach or Lemon"
I really enjoyed this story. It's a story about a boy and girl. Their respective best friends have started dating. And somehow they ended up alone together after their friends went off on a date. Instead of going their separate ways they have a nice time hanging out. In order to decide whether they were going to hang out again they decided to leave it to fate. The boy tells the girl to pick a candy out of this candy pack he has. The pack has both lemon and peach candy. If it's peach, they go out again. If it's lemon, they won't. She picks peach. :) This isn't the end but it's a very very cute story. Worth reading more than once.

Story 2
"The Flower the Blooms in You"
This story was beautiful and dramatic! It was like a soap opera but in a good way. It was actually better than a soap opera. This is the story of two twin sisters. One twin is like the day, and another is like the night. The sister that is like the day has just become engaged to a man who is studying to be a surgeon. The sister that is like the night also loves the man. She suffers silently because of her sister's engagement but she is selfless and she wishes them happiness. The fiance asks her to help him pick out a ring. They go and when they are walking out of the department store a construction beam falls down. The man pushes the sister out of the way but gets injured himself. It turns out he is not killed but blinded by the accident. When the sister who is getting married finds out she cries that she is not strong enough to be by his side if he's blind. The other sister knows that if he were to be abandoned by the one he loves at the moment, he'd be destroyed. So she acts like her sister in front of him and takes care of him. When he is able to get a cornea transplant and is able to see again, the sister who is like the night begs the sister who is like the day to take her place again like nothing happened and get married with the man.

Story 3
"Field-trip on a Monday"
This story was very bland and I did not like it at all. A guy gets confessed to two girls on the same day. Since he doesn't really care, he says yes to the first one. It just so happens that he was actually more compatible with the second one. But he didn't know that just yet. He doesn't get along with the first one at all. The second one asks him to go on a date with her spontaneously, so they skip school and go to a field. The second one is moving over seas soon and just wanted one date with him. He wonders what would have happened if she had confessed first. They hold hands and kiss and when he gets back to school, the first girl breaks up with him. And he later goes to the same field alone, missing the second girl.

Story 4
"Snow, Piling Up Feelings"
This story is about Saori. She likes a boy in her class and they go home together one day after school. She makes him a key holder and wants to give it to him, but she thinks he got given a brand name key holder at school the next day by another girl. She also has a childhood friend, and her crush thinks that she likes the friend because they are very familiar with each other. It creates a misunderstanding but later the girl confesses and it clears up the problems.

Story 5
"Senpai and his Girlfriend"
This is a really short story about a guy who has a kohai as a gf. She's very cool and is the only girl who doesn't call him by his last name. She gets a little jealous when she sees he also calls girls by their given name. On the way home from school he says her first name too and she mutters his as well, embarrassed.

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